

俚语 catified


The act of taking something and turning it into a cat, this 'something' could be a human, object, animal, etc. all whilst giving it features to signify what it's supposed to represent/be
"look! I catified this turtle!" he then shower his father a picture of a catified turtle


The process of being turned into a cat.
"you just got catified!!!"


Verb. To increase the amount of cat-related paraphernalia.
Dude, I need to catify my phone with these cat stickers.


describes a person, place or thing which has been covered in cat fur or dander such that everthing that contacts it will also be covered in cat fur/dander, resulting in sneezing for those allergic to cats.
Gloria's great, but her place is so catified, I have to use a shopvac on my wardrobe. We went to my place, but she's so catified that I can't even make out with her without sneezing my brains out.


To turn a meme image into a cat
Don't catify me


When a close relative lets the cats in even when you’re allergic
They catified me and now I have to move out




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:51:47