

俚语 catwalk


Catwalk floor is a narrow, usually elevated platform used by models to demonstrate clothing and accessories during a fashion show.
Models on the catwalk often use a walk which is like that of a cat, placing one foot directly in front of the other to produce an alluring swagger in which the hips take on a more exaggerated movement.
Walk on the catwalk.


Is referencing a CSGO “A-split” strategy on the map Dust II in which the terrorist side splits into two groups to take the A Bombsite.

“Cat” is a callout for “catwalk”, a pathway that leads to the A Bombsite.
A split on you bitches, catwalk, I hear 'em whisper


An area high above a stage floor (unseen by the audience)
for the stage crew to access lights, curtains...etc. It is usually narrow and can be dangerous if you screw around up there.
I told you guys not to fuck around up there--get off the catwalk now!!!


The line on a woman's shirt that connects her breasts. The fabric is stretched tight over her curves (or just her erect nipples) but is looser in between- hence the line. So-called because of the similarity in appearance to a narrow walkway between two towers.
Man, she's got some sweet tits! And look at that catwalk! It must be cold in here!


Verb: Threaten to dominate or manhandle someone with no real intention of doing anything. It’s the opposite of dogwalking someone because you can put a dog on a leash and control him, but it won’t work with a cat. dogwalking, dogwalk, dog walk, dog walking, dominate, threaten, control, beat up, manhandle, force, own, talk tough
I’m going to catwalk the guy behind me if he kicks my chair one more time. No you’re not, you always try to talk tough.


to walk down the street, as if it were a runway
The way Aisha is catwalking you'd think she was Kate Fucking Moss. 


A bike trick. To ride on the bike while the front tire is in the air.
His tire is in the air which means he is catwalking.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:48:17