

俚语 caws


The best way to get people's attention is to CAW like a bird at them.
A noise that pops into people's heads when they are bored and happen to know people who like to caw.
"Dude, it was so weird! This girl walked into my class and cawed at me, then just left!"


1. (Incorrect) A Jamaican "swear word" used to cover up profanity.

2. (Verb) The noise a bird flying overseas makes. Typically precedes a nice little stinky turd landing on your head if you don't watch out for the passing seagull

3. (Slang) A random noise a person makes to attract pointless attention; to break the ice.
1. StudentInClass1: *CAW* this piece of *CAWWWWWWWW*!

Teacher: Shut up, Steve! Go to detention!

2. Seagull: Caw, caw! -Releases a turd onto a fisher man-
Fisherman: Fuck! Stupid bird shit landed on my head, Mark!
Mark: \\o/ (LOL)

3. RandomNoobOnMySpace: CAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! G3t this m3ss@ge t@ 5 of ur homeboyz n gurlzzzzzzzz ta get 5 mil!!!!!1eleven1!!
LiteratePersonOnMySpace: Get the *FUCK* off the Internet!


Usually the sound associated with hawkin, chicken hawkin or swooping; Sound made by one to indicate that he (or she) intends on swooping. (Usually sounded off in pairs)
Frank straight said "Caw! Caw!" to John before he swooped in on Cecilia.


Having a abnormally small male sexual appendage. Will often be used in a contradictory way.
Guy: "So Jake has caw?"

Other guy: "Yeah, he's got so much caw it's spilling out of his pants."

Caw Caw Caw

Throughout Chicagoland casinos, this is known as the legendary laugh of the "Duckman." He is known for being the comedically awful valet lead with an inept ability to spell small words or understand other basic words. He only speaks about his love of shoes.
A guest asked Duckman if he was going to get retro threes (Jordan shoes) and Duckman responded "Caw Caw Caw! I already have five of those!"

Caw Caw

A loud call resembling that of a large bird. Frequently made to attract the attention of unsuspecting pedestrians. Usually yelled out of a car window at people, followed by gauging their hilarious reactions. First created in the native land of Winnebago, IL.
Ryan: "Look at that homeless guy walking down Auburn St."
Dale: "Yeah, get him."
Emmet: "Caw Caw!"
Hobo: "What the fuck?"


Throughout Chicagoland casinos, this is known as the legendary laugh of the "Duckman." He is known for being the comedically awful valet lead with an inept ability to spell small words or understand other basic words. He only speaks about his love of shoes.
A guest asked Duckman if he was going to get retro threes (Jordan shoes) and Duckman responded "Caw-Caw! I already have five of those!"




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