The advantage one gains from taking Adderall (usually to study) over a nerd who doesn't fuck with drugs.
The term originated at Western University in 2018 during a 2:52 am Adderall-induced grind.
The term originated at Western University in 2018 during a 2:52 am Adderall-induced grind.
Bob: Easy 90, only a retard could fuck that up.
Joe: No way man, I got a fucking 60 man, how'd you do that man?
Bob: Popped an Adderall and studied for an hour, it's just the Addyvantage bro.
Joe: *durrr*
Joe: No way man, I got a fucking 60 man, how'd you do that man?
Bob: Popped an Adderall and studied for an hour, it's just the Addyvantage bro.
Joe: *durrr*