The prettiest girl with the worst attitude.
She's coming again.
Cayee is a beautiful girl!! She is funny and always laughs.. she can't burp 😭 But can definety toot like a maniac🤘🏻😄 she's always laughing about the oddest things😂 Like people falling off chairs and sunflower dresses 🤣 Like what.. she always seems to have a bestfriend who's name starts with an A
Cayee tooted!!! It stinks
Cayee is a strong smelly person who is always tooting up a storm!! She does this funny face that looks almost like Fregley from Diary of a whimpy kid!! She is pretty small but she has a large brain
Cayee you tooted again !!!
Cayee is an extremely funny person!! Her smile makers her look so stunning... just like buck teeth. She can not burp but she can fart like a maniac!!!! 🙄 She loves the color purple has blue eyes and loves floral type of patterns...
Cayee just tooted🙁 Booty