

俚语 ceighley


Ceighley is a dancer. She is classy, but at night, she breaks out the dubstep. She makes boys lose their mind with her sassy moves. Ceighley is good to be friends with, unless you're in a dance competition.
Boy 1: Yo man. My GF can't dance, son. It sucks.
Boy 2: Really? You must not have a Ceighley.


Ceighley is the most dramatic and emotional person you will ever meet. Do not make her mad or she will block you. Ceighley loses friends very easily, and allows too many toxic people in her life. Although Ceighley makes a very good friend. She is really good at advice and will always be there for you. Ceighley will always tell you what's on her mind. A big problem Ceighley has is that she catches feelings way too fast and loses interest as soon s they show interest. Ceighley also flirts when shes bored and makes herself look like a clown.
Friend one- damn my girl so emotional
Friend two- Damn bro you must have a Ceighley then.




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更新时间:2024/5/20 17:21:27