Someone who has mastered the art of eating, making and preparing a perfect bowl of cereal.
A true Cerealist takes passion in mixing brands to find the perfect balance of texture and sweetness.
ex. Golden Grahams & Capn' Crunch
or Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Crispix
Some hardcore cerealists even substitute regular milk for chocolate milk.
A true Cerealist takes passion in mixing brands to find the perfect balance of texture and sweetness.
ex. Golden Grahams & Capn' Crunch
or Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Crispix
Some hardcore cerealists even substitute regular milk for chocolate milk.
Because Matt considers himself a cerealist (and he's incredibly stoned right now), he's probably going to make himself a bowl of Golden Capn' Chocolate Crunch Grahams. And it will be epic.