

俚语 cfu


Short for Chromosome Fuck Up. Used to describe someone with a weird face or body as a result of the unfortunate genes in their family..
"Check out that guys nose over there!"
"Oh god! major CFU"


CFU refers to a C-Level executive like a CEO, CFO, or COO that is Completely Fucking Useless.
Our Director of Sales would make a great CFU.


Compulsive Facebook Updater:

someone who updates their facebook status more than 5 times a day;

feeling the need to inform everyone of everything you're doing,feeling and/or thinking about
wow you're such a CFU , no one really cares that you're doing the dishes.


cuff, fuck, uncuff
Damn, I just wanna CFU that sexy Italian boy


Cute for u
I will be cfu


1) In microbiology, a colony-forming unit (CFU, cfu, Cfu) is a unit used to estimate the number of viable bacteria or fungal cells in a sample.
2) In the context of hematopoietic stem cells, a colony-forming unit is a subtype of HSC. (This sense of the term is different from colony-forming units of microbes, which is a cell counting unit.
CFU-e is a stage of erythroid development between the BFU-e stage and the pro-erythroblast stage.


CFU: noun

Origins: Stands for Controlled Fuck-up. It originates from Trinidad Co, from people who use marijuana, which the city is well known for.

Definition 1: to describe an experience on substances in which you are high/buzzed but you are still able to function.

Definition 2: Describes a person in an emotional state who can still function.
"I'm having a CFU right now (after having an emotional breakdown)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:57:25