

俚语 chacko

Adam Chacko

Adam Chacko is someone who is very very dark-skinned. They come from the gayest part of Sri Lanka. They are constantly bullied for trying to be a roadman. Another trait about an Adam Chacko is that they are an extremely ass-licking person. Also they give uck to men.
Your the Adam Chacko of our group, Blick and Bullied !


Chako’s a indian name which stands for crazy and delusional.

She’s a crazy ugly bitch who looks like a witch and sounds extremely annoying
Chako is delusional

chacko doesn’t like long hair

Samuel Chacko

Samuel Chacko’s can have girls that are in their league but aim for girls in the “do not even try”zone
I’m a Samuel Chacko

Ryan Danny Chacko

Ryan Danny Chacko is a musical artist, graphic designer, author, and Youtuber known for his songs like Spacewalk and Paradise.
Ryan Danny Chacko just released a new song!

julie chacko

A beautiful and loving girl anyone would be lucky to meet her
I have My love ..my julie chacko .....and she'll always love me




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更新时间:2024/5/20 14:04:03