

俚语 chaff


Something that is of low quality and trashy. The opposite of swanky. From the Bible reference "separating the wheat from the chaff"
This Cafeteria lunch is so chaff.

That was a chaff pool shot.


In politics, a countermeasure to Free Speech protections whereby threatening information is discredited by associating it with already-discredited information.
Citizen journalists are publishing articles about how our healthcare reform bill is really designed to work in favor of our interests and at the expense of minorities! We can't censor them! Quick! Publish a bunch of Chaff about UFOs and a Flat Earth and link it to their sites! That way it'll look like only conspiracy theorists view this kind of stuff and no one will take it seriously!

Yes, I know that when you see this book about the War on Amazon it says that all the customers also purchased books about Nazism and Holocaust denial, but that's just Chaff intended to make it look guilty by association.


A person kept around during the zombie apocalypse by a group of survivors as the designated bait when running from zombies. Usually a slower, heavier or asthmatic person without stamina. The idea is that he/she will be the person at the back of the group and will be caught by the zombies thus allowing the rest of the group to escape.

It has its origins in WWII radar counter-measures - bogus targets dropped by aircraft to confound enemy surveillance.
"We keep Bill around as Chaff, we don't have to run fast, just faster than Bill....."

"Who's the Chaff in this group? Look around, if you can't pick him out, it's you!"


"After dinner, throw the chaff to the dogs"


to Chill Hard as Fuck
I just quit my job and I have nothing to do until next week, lets chaff bro.


To take a toke on a fat j
"oi let me have a chaff on that j u scabby tosser"


Euphanism for a vagina.
I'd like to stick it in her chaff.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:57:02