

俚语 chairo


Mexican word to denominate people linked to far-left politics (Marxism) who usually practice slacktivism in social networks like Twitter or Facebook making annoying hashtags based in conspiracy theories.

They also insult other people if they don't agree with their points of view, usually call them fascist. Of course they are against the globalization they believe that the United States are the most evilest country in the world with Israel and they are supporters of Cuba, Venezuela and Russia.
Tom: Hey did you know that our goverment will import some corn from the United States, also their will import more Tires?.

Chaira: Yes, I hate that is so fucking stupid, our government making deals with them?!

Tom: But is 70% cheaper, is a good deal.

Chaira: You are with them!! Fucking fascist you should die, long live to the communism.

Tom: You're such a Chairo.


A person who spend his life doing anything, smoking weed and think they're not guilty about their poverty cause the capitalism controls the souls of people.
Chairo: I have to find a job, but I don't know where
Juan: in McDonalds and Starbucks! they always need people
Chairo: pff, fuck off. Better die than work for pigs capitalisms

Juan: but I've been working in Starbucks for five years...
Chairo: that's what the pigs capitalisms wants you to do. You're making money for them while you just earn a little tiny piece of shit.


A common term used for those who don't know how to say 'chair' in Spanish. Simply adding an '-o' to the end turns the English into Spanish.
Why don't you take a seat in this chairo, por favor?


Used to describe anything ultimately and utterly idiotic; a name to call a person when they're being stupid and/or are an imbecile.
Joe: Hey is it cool to jump off my house roof and post it on YouTube?
Thomas: Now why would you do something chairo like that?

Rob: You're such a fucking chairo it makes me want to kill myself!


Chairo - Anytime one is incredibly ignorant, annoying, or has to sebby down. Usually a short person, who thinks they are good at football.
Did you see that guy make out with that cow? That's sooo Chairo.

chairo syamail maulana

Chairo syamail maulana is the most acedemically strong person i know, but they are slow thinkers when preasured, and he will rage if you make fun of him, if youre not his friend
Person 1 : wotermelon
chairo syamail maulana : wotermewon




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