Title used to describe someone of absolute importance. One of the many acts a chalica partakes in is eating cremora with no drink however the title "Chalica" is only gifted to the most elite of people.
The phrase made its first appearance in the early 20's
The phrase made its first appearance in the early 20's
Person1: do you enjoy dry cremora?
Person2: yes i do. I'm quite the chalica.
Person1: you're not special enough!
Person2: yes i do. I'm quite the chalica.
Person1: you're not special enough!
C - aring
H - ilarious
A - wesome
L - oyal
I - mportant
C - lever
A - ngel
H - ilarious
A - wesome
L - oyal
I - mportant
C - lever
A - ngel
Person 1: the most caring, hilarious, awesome, loyal, important, clever person thats an angel is there.
Person 2: they must be chalica
Person 2: they must be chalica