

俚语 chall


mix of "you" and "all". you = chu, you all = yall. a combination of those two components put together makes chall.
i dont know what chall talkin about


To chall is to take a massive dump in a public place.
Oh noo someone has done a massive Chall in the pool! not going to be able to go in until it's cleaned!

Uh oh grandpa has just Challed on the meat isle in asda


A term most commonly used in the southern United States as an abbreviation for the words "what are yall." It is quite an effective contraction, as it combines three words and syllables into one.
Chall doing later?

Chall bout?


Often found to wear awesomely stripy wooly hats at all occasions. Rumour has it you can find them either at 'college', festivals or in the pub. Has no real relevance to similar word 'chow' but some have attempted to eat one in the past.
1. 'I can see a Chall, it has an amazingly colourful hat and is somehow holding 6 beers in one hand.'


"Challs" is derived from the belief in "Challsism." challs is everyone and everything.

Challs is a noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, ECT.

Please read the word challs in a sentence for a better understanding-
dude that's totally challs.

I hate those damn challs.

My friend is a challsist.

I believe in challsism.

Dude my gf dumbed me over this stupid challs. Don't worry dude sometimes girls are too challs.

I had challs for dinner last night.

How long has it been since u brushed ur teeth? Um about 40 challs ago.

President bush is a fucking challs.

What's good challs?

I beat the challs out of those kids yesterday.

You see that girl over there!? I thinks she's challsing me!

Shut up challs.

For Christmas I got a lot of challs.

What challs, your gay. Omfc! (oh my fucking challs)

Challs = god

Challs can be good or bad.

Only one thing better than challs, and that is chuck noris!


synonym for chill; chill with an "a" instead of an "i".
fort: "dude that's not chall at all"
stuie: "dude i know..."

fort: "stuie, chall man... don't worry"
stuie: "obi-fort... thank you... you're the man"


v (chal-ing) def. synonym of chilling. Use of the word implies a relaxed, calm state.
What are you guys doing tonight?
"Probably just challing."




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