

俚语 chambo


Chambo: verb: the act of going Rambo and chuck Norris on someone or something. Basically going nutz and demolishing something.
Beth and Tay went chambo on the case and finished it in ten minutes.


A drink that consists of champagne and cough syrup with codeine.
Aye, let me get some of that chamboe.


When a chamberlain slams his penis into a females vagina imitating a construction guy using a jackhammer, devastating the female with arousal and utter satisfaction.
"Did you see Wilt Chamberlain give that girl the Chambo-Jackhammer?"


Having a shocker on the golf course. Terrible round, inveriably losing your shit and walking in after 9holes.
He’s had a Chambo. After a fight with a tree on the 9th, he walked off the course.


Way bigger penis than zach he has a smaller penis chambo can also be found in the back streets of frankston licking the homes of very rich people chambo has the biggest ranging from 9-13 inches wide and 17-19 inches tall
chambo has the biggest penis ranging from 9-13 inches widen and 17-19 inchies tall


Chambo means thank god. You can only say this word by singing...otherwise, it is against the law and they will be prepurnices, Which is another word which means... basically repercussions.
" Aahhhhhhh Chambo!" ( In song)
They will be prepurnices!


Chambo means "aahhhh thank god!" you can only sing it, otherwise please don't use this word.
(In song) "Aahhhhh Chambo!"




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