

俚语 chambre


A gossip or rumor someone needs to tell/knows about. Mostly used in Central America.
Carmen: Carlos dude! I have a chambre for you.
Carlos: More gossip? Carmen you really live for the chambre.


1:A room where the occupants have smoked too many cigarettes for too long, and non-smokers get a head rush entering it.
2: any area filled with cigarette smoke
Dude, this place is a fuckin chambre, can you open a window before i barf?

La Chambre

french word for bedroom
We had to write la chambre multiple times so we would memorize it.


the best friend anyone can have. ever. she may embarass you sometimes, but she is just trying to help. you'll love her with every fiber of your being for a very very long time. she's an amazing, beautiful person and will always be apart of you. although she might kick your ass if you piss her off.
love chambree




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