

俚语 championship


1. Chad Pennington as QB.
2. Fucking 2 girls in 24hrs.
3. Derek Tate in one of those girl's bushes.
4. Being better than you


the act of being so great, of doing something so well, that you are above a champion
Great job on your chores, Jay. You have achieved championshipness.


The relationship between 2 champions (like a friendship is the relationship between 2 friends)
Kevin and Cody are both Champions so there for they have a Championship

championship mode

Noun- mental state that requires a sports fan to be so absorbed in a game, that he or she believes they are affecting the outcome of the game. A person in championship mode demonstrates devotion to their team by remaining focused on the game and staying sober.
Note: championship mode should only be used for highly meaningful regular season games and postseason games.
Mike was intense at Saturday’s game. I’ve never heard anyone so loud and he threatened to kill a FSU fan. He was definitely in championship mode.

AFC Championships

A football game every year where a lucky team gets to play the New England Patriots for a chance to play in yhe superbowl
"You watching the game tommorow"

"Yea, can't wait for the fucking patriots to win the AFC championships again"

championship level

the apex level of hot women...only the finest of fine women fall into this category...consists of about 1% of the female population
I'm still not sure how the hell I pulled Missy, because she is championship level.

Championship Golfer

Any individual who competes in individual stroke or match play golf tournaments on the regular who is a single digit handicap who has/is verified by the USGA through a honest dedication to put every round into the handicap systems log without vanity. These individuals also play casual golf rounds from usually the most challenging golf tee on any given course.
Golf Club Members Guest:
—Is that who was hitting next to you on the range a good golfer?

Golf Club Member:
—He’s a championship golfer. Let’s go hit some putts before we tee off.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:56:26