

俚语 chanderize


A verb: to hug, especially without warning.
Last night I was chanderized by Chandra, it was quite unexpected and pleasant.


The chandiest of chands, particularly a cwam. If not a scwam, they're chill.
Are you Chander?



An "omni-word" that is can be used to describe any object or person. Also most commonly used as an explicative (or verb).

Began in Northwestern University in December of 2009, its use continues to propagate through college campuses throughout the country.
"O chander, whats up?"

(Man steps in dog shit) "CHANDER! I just ruined my brand new fucking shoes!"


To vomit
Steve started mixing vodka with tequila - result: after half an hour he chandered on the carpet!


A strange psydonum for a person named Alexander. Origin came from the name Charmander; a pokemon.

Simply remove the letters a,r,m from Charmander. Which gives us the psydonum Chander.
Hey Chander! How are you?


a little cunt.
guy 1: did chelsea just pussy slap you?
guy 2: yeah shes such a chander.

chandere day

means a kinda crazy day where a lot of things happen but one can manage to get through that day easily.
it often happens so much in a frame of ones eyesight that it could be a hidden picture puzzle.
Man that's a chandere day!

Come over! It's chandere here!




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