When you go to your friend to buy a textbook at a cheaper price, only to find out he burns you with the same price you'd normally pay.
You'd get burned, like Charizard burns other dudes.
You'd get burned, like Charizard burns other dudes.
Dude 1: Hey man, can I just buy that copy of Acting is Believing from you?
Dude 2: Yeah, sure.
Dude 1: Sweet, man, how much you want for it?
Dude 2: 50?
Dude 1: What?! That's how much you got it for from the bookstore! Dude, you are such a chargezard!
Dude 2: Yeah, sure.
Dude 1: Sweet, man, how much you want for it?
Dude 2: 50?
Dude 1: What?! That's how much you got it for from the bookstore! Dude, you are such a chargezard!