

俚语 charging up

Charging up

Increasing your level of inebriation via alcohol or other substances
Do you want to charge up a little before going out tonight?

Bro I'm charging up right now, already at 12%

Did you see Steve? He's fully charged up and is streaking around the neighborhood

Charged up

When someone feels pumped energetic, powerful,powered to the max, ready for anything
Man I feel charged up for tomorrow

Charged up

When you do MDMA (I.e ecstasy), once the peak sets in.
Friend Didn’t you do MD last night?
His friend Yeah, I was charged up g.
Friend Didn't you do MD last night?
His friend Yeah, I was charged up like Duracell batts bro!

Charge Up

When you say somthing to piss of someone so that they will want to fight you.
Ass: Bet you hit like a little bitch.
Someone in the room: Charge up! Bet you won't hit that nig!

charged up

HIV positive cum
I shot a charged up load down his throat

charged up

the ultimate state of drunkeness, blippedness
yo I'm charged up G

charge up

What some people do to get pumped or psyched before a game.
Hey everybody look! David from Bokey is about to charge up!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:52:51