Originating from 'The Chart', a college newspaper that increasingly makes careless errors and typos, 'Chart' is described as making a blatant and ignorant mistake: verbally or physically.
Did you see Jimmy say that Hitler was in WWI? He really pulled a Chart.
The top # in music stuff.
A listing where people with many hits get listed.
A listing where people with many hits get listed.
"He reached the charts"
Adj- Origin: (Introduced in the streets of Renton Washingont) Short for "Off the Charts". An Adjective describing something extremely good, better or awesomer than anything else in it's comparable chart.
"OMG, that 64 Impala is sooooo charts" "Dude, I am charts at Madden, I will crush you" "Can you believe how charts that girl at Couloon Beach was?"
(adjective) exceptionally good; something that transcends a traditional ranking system; short for "off the charts"
That strippers face was buckled, but her boobs were charts.
It's like goated, but it's charted ya know?
"Yo that kickflip was charted!"
"Thanks man"
"Thanks man"
To mark or Tally something up
Hey yo kid, chart that point up
Happens when you are having sex and the pressure between the girls boobs and the guys chest expels rapidly making a farting noise kind of like an armpit fart except from the chest.
I was banging my chick last night and she ended up charting like four or five times.