

俚语 chazing


Not able to control your paranoia. To completely lose your shit. To skitz out. Not paying attention to real dangers. A high probability of shooting yourself in the foot.

Also referred to as ‘chazin’.
Example 1)
You can take my vehicle to the bank if you don’t mind making my deposit. It’d really help me out. I’m not chazing over it.

Example 2)
Yo man! You straight gave up yo game back there & lost your ass! You be chazing & shit.

Example 3)
Quit chazing so much. Keep your head on straight. Stop chazing or you might shoot yourself in the foot.

Example 4)
By me helping you I’m helping myself as well. I’d be chazing if I passed up this opportunity.

Example 5)
Pay close attention to what is in front of you in the present. Chazing can get you hurt.


A STUD with a face beautifully carved by the angels themselves. Pleasures all the ladies with his magical fingers and his giant dick. He is a sexual bull who's main source of food is the pandora box of a female. He is sexually aggressive and under no circumstance should you pursue a Chaze unless you like the sex rough and extreme.
Chaze is perfection.


When a person tickles your balls during intercourse. Usually a different person than who you are doing it with. Also normally a surprise attack.
OMG last night Roger came up and Chazed me while i was with Jenny. He scared me so bad I was done before she was.


The best friends in the whole universe... They are always cool and kind.
Person: Chaze is the best!
Person 2: They really are!


To Chill And Laze.

Chill + Laze = Chaze
Man Im Knackered, Im Gonna Chaze Now


Chaze- A pattern in someones pubic hair.
Im goin to the club on friday but before I go I gotta fix my chaze.

Chazing Purple

The act of inhaling fermented feces under the influence of methamphetamines.
Dan is completely knocked out after chazing purple.




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