

俚语 chazzing it

Chazzing It

in reference to the online game Mobsters, a term used to describe the cowardly actions of an individual who likes brag of his actions of "killing" other mobsters by listing and fleeing, either by death or by hiding in Eastern Europe.
Dude, this tard is chazzing it again!


Verb - a level of chilling out, but with a but more oomph (hence the jazz-type sound).

Noun - to be in a chilled but awesome state of mind.
"We are chazzing in the beach after finishing our 10th beer."

"We are headed out to get our chazz on."


When someone totally crusts out your banger or nail,and basicly wrecks your quartz.....
Goddamnit Randy,you Chazzed my new Quave banger.....


The act of enticing a potential mistress back to your place of residence after a night of drinking, only to later spoon and cuddle with.
Friend 1: Dude, so whatever happened with that girl last night?

Friend 2: I don't want to talk about it.

Friend 1: You got chazzed again, didn't you?


The action of Chazz Princeton defeating you in a children's card game.
Alright geek! Prepeare to get chazzed!


The player of the century he can bed any girl he wants he just hast 2 look at a girl and they want him
chazz is a hott pimp


Chazz is slang word for the slang word “to step” which essentially means to leave
Yo you boutta chazz




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:21:03