

俚语 cheapskater


Someone who is a bloody good cheapskate and loves the fact that they save money
I heard that Louise is a pretty good Cheapskater


Someone who tries to save every penny. This person may be poor or rich but they're still cheap. If you gave them a million bucks they'd still be cheap.
~Also a viral TV Show from TLC called "Extreme Cheapskates". A very entertaining show.
Dude. Do you watch extreme cheapskates? The pintos are by far the cheapest family!! What a cheapskate Mr. Pinto is!


A stingey person. Somebody who buys cheap in favour of higher quality or better stuff. Even though they might be able to afford the better. Perhaps ungenerously trying not to spend much on their friends. Not particularly offensive, and often intended to ridicule in a light hearted manner. North American origin (skate apparently meaning fellow).
You only got me a half pint - you cheapskate! (light ridicule)
Nice charity outfit you're wearing cheapskate! (mildly offensive)


Also used describe people who don't tip. I.E. the pizza man, waitresses and waiters, etc, etc.
Hey Cletus, that mother fucking cheapskate stiffed me.


A group of penny pinchers. These people will do anything to spend nothing. These are by far the most obnoxious customers for business owners.
Also a viral TV series on TLC called Extreme Cheapskates
I was watching extreme cheapskates on TLC last night. The pinto's are the biggest penny pinchers on the show. Unbelievable!


The act of ejaculating in a bitch while she is on the brink of orgasm, then walks out before she is done.
What a fucking cheapskate he was done but I wasn’t!


barbs; he who attempts to save money by exercising unethical practices
"barbs, you cheapskate you cant take chips from the christmas charity hampers to give to your kk"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:49:10