

俚语 cheatham


state of extreme belligerent drunkenness resulting in the destruction of property...probably yours
Let's get all cheathamed and break shit.

Dude, Cheatham's fucking cheathamed...lock up the goats.

Go cheatham or go home.


Ms. Positive and more extra than Ms. Starace.

Famous Quotes: " I thought you were better than this sophia"
Ms. Cheatham: *writes on board*
Students: see body shaking like a tornado.


To be "Cheathamed" means someone has smacked your forehead with the palm of their hand , as in a dad smacks his daughter in the head with his hand and says , you've been cheathamed for your insolence
I cheathamed Emma for not paying attention while I was speaking


An especially sensitive butthole
"Chris has such a cheatham, that he cries everytime he poops"

cheatham county

A place where heroin is easier found than your dad.
I'm running low let's go to cheatham county.

The Cody Cheatham

The process of going up to a random person or a known person and say I love you.
Man 1: " I love you "

Man 2: " You just did The Cody Cheatham!"

Cheatham and Steele

Humorously, an imaginary law firm or other so-called professional service that's not on the up-and-up and does what their title suggests.
WTF? Why do I keep on getting this popup from Cheatham and Steele? I think there's some shifty law firm that's trying to put malware on my computer!




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