cheeky babon
A cheeky babon is a special new species of unique, blasphemous and extremely cheeky people. Any who are said to be this phrase are deemed minions by fine Sir Adhesh Nichola-Pillai, who has created and copyright the word babon and any phrase, including cheeky babon which links to it ©
Dante is a cheeky babon
Cheeky Babon
A cheeky babon is a special new species of unique, blasphemous and extremely cheeky people. Any who are said to be this phrase are deemed minions by fine Sir Dante Madmombe , who has created and copyright the word babon and any phrase, including cheeky babon which links to it ©
any and all definitions have been plaugerised as well as classified as fraud
any and all definitions have been plaugerised as well as classified as fraud
Adhesh aka niccle piccle and dj orange are very cheeky babons