

俚语 chepa


Ecuadorian slang for Pussy.
Mamacita dame tu chepa!


A nosy bitch that likes to gossip.
That bitch talks all kinds of shit. She's a fuckin' Chepa.
Be careful what you say around her!


Another word for ketchup often used in the USA by younger kids
"Can you pass me the chepa please"


little indian gangster who can juju on the beat on command
Damn you see that B*** in the sari? she a straight chepa, you can tell


Shortened from cheap ass. With objects, shoddy. When used to describe an person's actions or a person, it implies a level of malevolence, but mild, usually through inaction. CHEP-us
Of course it broke. What do you expect from a chepas drill.

Scheduling a evening test on the night of the Final Four? Chepas!

That chepas bastard said he'd give me a ride just five minutes ago.

chepa sh

A word used to express enjoyment or happiness towards the given activity or contextual matter.

pronounced Che-(chet)pa-(opa)She
Gangsta 1:yo man I's be chillin wit mah G lata 2nite and I b givn her D ol in'n out

Gangsta 2: CHEPA SH!!

lawl chepa

The term describing a cheese, cheap, or otherwise awesome strategy in StarCraft II's Beta.
Yo man, I herd you like to 2gas, so I put a 2gas in ur 2gas so that you can 2gas while you 2gas.

(If you grab both of your opponent's Vespene Geysers as Protoss, he can't get any gas until he blows them up, thus rendering his army without gas; this results in you being able to Zealot-rush your opponent effectively)

This is known as lawl chepa (misspelling of 'lol cheap').




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