

俚语 cherae


Cherae is one of a kind person. She is loving, caring, and just an amazing person! She cares a lot more than she shows and will be a best friend that anyone would love to have. She is the best thing that will ever happen to you. She can also flip a switch and have an urge like no one has ever seen.
Cherae is an amazing person and friend.


A girl who looks at the world with a kind of innocence that can’t be found anywhere else.

Sometimes her motives get misjudged, but she always has the best of intentions.

People might not realize how much she will beat herself up inside over saying or doing the right thing, not out of vanity, but out of fear of hurting others feelings. Her own experiences of pain has had a great deal in shaping her kind personality, she never wants others to feel what she once has. She will always go out of her comfort zone to have a good time and help others have a good time too.
Her smile can light up room, and even if she’s had a bad day you will never be able to tell.
I met someone with the name chera, never have I met and never will I meet someone like her again


One of the best women you'll ever meet. Always stylin' and profilin'. Sexy, hyper, crazy, but so much fun! Pretty eyes, and thick thighs describes this girl.
Daaaamnn, there goes Chera! She's lookin mighty fine today!

bal chera

"Bal chera" is a bengali mild swear word.It is someone or something who is totally worthless.Bal means pubic hair and chera means plucking.So, the person or the thing is only good at plucking pubic hair.
Tui ekta bal chera.(You are good only for plucking pubic hairs.)
Jinis ta ekta bal chera jinis.(that thing is good for nothing but plucking pubic hairs.)

Rimple Chera

Shes a fantastic friend, makes people smile all the time. She is the cutest person alive, and makes them laugh until they roll on the floor laughing. She is gorgeous! And you are lucky to be her friend!
Emily Mitchell: Rimple Chera is amazing
Taylor McDonald: I agree!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:28:06