

俚语 cherry delight

Cherry Delight

When a guy is having sex with a girl on her period he pulls out and gives her a mouth full of her own blood and jizz.
guy 1: oh man i was having some awesome sex with my girl last night and i decided to give her a cherry delight.

guy 2: ahh no way! did she puke?

guy 1: nah man she took it like a pro

guy 2: fuckin epic

cherry delight

When a girl has her period she lets out her menstruation flow on your balls
and then she sucks them like cherries

e.x. Im bored, you want a cherry delight
isaac gives a damn good cherry delight

Vanilla cherry delight

Whenever a girl scrapes your dick while you're getting head and you force her to swallow the blood and cum
Steve "damn dude Julie cut my dick during head last night so I have that bitch a vanilla cherry delight"
Joe "yeah dude Julie's a whore anyways I'm sure she liked it"




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