

俚语 chewaxn


Chewaxn is everything and nothing all at once. Chewaxn is the feeling you get on a hot summer’s afternoon after spending the day with your most beloved people. Chewaxn is the third law of gravity. Chewaxn is that last piece of your lego puzzle you’ve been trying to find since you were 6 years old.

In simple terms, Chewaxn is love, Chewaxn is lust, Chewaxn is fear, but most importantly, Chewaxn is life.
noun. “Guys did you see the pair of chewaxn’s on that girl? Gotta be at least DD cup”
verb. “Sometimes I just want to chewaxn my way into a back door chinese gambling room”
adverb. “I hate how Nelson Mandela chewaxingly escaped prison”
adjective. “Man, fuck, my pet toad died yesterday and i’ve just been so down and chewaxn recently”


Chewaxn is everything and nothing at the same time. Chewaxn is the feeling you get on a hot sunmer’s afternoon after spending the day with your most beloved people. Chewaxn is the pain you feel when you finish that last cheeto out of the bag. Chewaxn is the fear that paralyzes you after realizing your one night stand also happens to be your long lost brother.

In simple terms, Chewaxn is love, Chewaxn is lust, Chewaxn is anger, Chewaxn is fear, but most importantly, Chewaxn is life.
Noun. “Did you see the pair of Chewaxn’s on that chick? Those gotta be DD at least”
Adj. “Man my pet toad died the other day and I’ve just been feeling really down and chewaxn”
Verb. “I can’t wait to get out and chewaxn into the pool”
Adv. “I hate the way your toes look chewaxingly deceptive”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:26:38