Chewbarkeithcca is a special hybrid breed of Wookie and man. One that demonstrates the uncanny ability to make up a jazzy song at the drop of a hat, control cats with powerful Wookie charisma, and lull fish into a dream-like false sense of security where he can then play with them out of water like small toys -- needless to say, Chewbarkeithcca is a fish hypno-master and can control many fish at a time. Like a pied-piper of fish you might say. In addition to these qualities, you might also notice that he is sexy as hell and tends to be awesome in the sack cuz giving chick's "slickies" is a specialty of his. If you're lucky enough to cross Chewbarkeithcca, although sightings are rare, I'd be shocked if you didn't wet your panties at first sight.
Is that Chewbarkeithcca!? Ooooh, I totally just got a slickie.