

俚语 chicago lane change

Chicago Lane Change

A maneuver that is popular and perfected in Chicagoland. The act is completed when a driver with Illinois plates gracefully cuts from the left lane of a major expressway across all lanes in order to just make their exit, cutting off several cars in the process.

If it is a nice day out and the driver has their windows down, they may be so courteous as to stick their hand out of the window and hold up a certain number of fingers, alerting those on the road as to exactly how many lanes they are planning on moving.

While residents of other states, particularly Cheeseheads up north, may be annoyed at this, it is considered a common practice, exercised out of necessity, in the Chicago metro area.
Cheesehead: "Did you see that Chuck? That Illinois car just pulled a Chicago Lane Change! Boo!"
Chicagoan: "Fuck you, loser - and the Packers, too."




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