

俚语 chicken alfredo

chicken alfredo

An absolute pleasure, a beautiful mix of flavor. Tasty white alfredo sauce, juicy chicken, and warm veggies. Ahh...
Chicken Alfredo is an orgasm in the mouth. Only it's good.

chicken alfredo

noodles in a white substance assisted by slices of baked or grilled chicken, also called pasta.
guy #1 "what's my chicken in?"

guy#2 "it's in alfredo. it's called chicken alfredo or pasta."

chicken alfredo

the most awesome food ever, i heart italion food and it is by far the best
"chicken alfredo is rawww as hell folk"
generically made with parmeson chicken linguini and chicken

Chicken Alfredo

When a man nuts on a girl, and then throws spaghetti and chicken on her face to resemble Chicken Alfredo.
Person 1: Dude I heard you piped that chick last night.
Person 2: Yeah I gave her my Chicken Alfredo

French Chicken Alfredo

A food
French Chicken Alfredo

national chicken alfredo day

national chicken alfredo day, it’s a day where you tell your guardian(s) that its national chicken alfredo day and they will make some !
hey *your guardian*, it’s national chicken alfredo day
*guardian* okay… and?
and you’re gonna make some!
*guardian* you’re right, i should!




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