

俚语 chicken and cheese

Chicken and cheese

A burger containing crispy chicken with a slice of McDonald’s cheese on top, often eaten lukewarm or cold - the absolute number one drunken nausea or hangover cure.
I was feeling rather sick this morning so I made myself a chicken and cheese, now I feel much better.

I’m going for a chicken and cheese so I don’t throw up after this bender

I drank so much last night that I needed a chicken and cheese

Chicken and Cheese

A way of saying "I love you" when you don't want your parents to hear/understand you.
John: Chicken and Cheese!
Elli Bean: Awwww. I Chicken and Cheese you too!

Chicken cheese

Chicken cheese can be used as a noun or adjective.

Noun: when either your anus or vagina smells like chicken cheese
Adjective: when there is a strong pungent odor that smells like your anus or vagina aka chicken cheese
Noun: “oh my god…*scratching noises* my chicken cheese is itchy!”
Adjective: “bro do you smell that?” “Yeah I farted” “EW BRO” “sorry about my chicken cheese”

chicken cheese chicky

a stanky piece of ass, fun if you like sex in the dump...literally
I got a horrible infection bangin that chicken cheese chicky

Chicken Cheese Pizza

A pizza that you want right now (it is your preference)
man i really want some Chicken Cheese Pizza up my ass

Chicken egg and cheese

If you eat this there might be something wrong with you and i think you need to go to the hospital cuz its bacon egg and cheese you dumbass
Customer:Can i get a chicken egg and cheese please?
Worker:Boss get out here
Boss What happened
Worker:She order a chicken egg and cheese
Boss: Call 911 NOW!
Customer:???? Why
10 mins later...
FBI: Where is she

Boss: over there!
FBI: *KIlls Customer*
Everyone:*Dances happily*

Chicken Cheese and Rice

the best damn Mexican food there is :)
I went to the Mexican restaurant and ordered some Chicken Cheese and Rice.




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