

俚语 chicken choker

chicken choker

A male who masturbates.
Don't mess with that chicken choker.

Chicken Choker

The larva of the tiger beetle; burrows itself into the ground up to one meter to catch hapless passersby that fall in; is an ugly son of a bitch.

Endless entertainment can be had when pushing sticks and small pebbles into these holes. The foreign debris is then heaved up and out of the hole. Then, since they have very small brains and thus very poor memory, when you cover their hole again the same shenanigans will ensue.

They are also very hard to catch. I managed to catch only three (3) for my chicken choker necklace. (Lolz!)
Mark runs a chicken choker farm for specimens to put in his gumbo.

Chicken Choker

When a chicken chokes you, and then you choke the chicken.
My mom called me a chicken choker

Backseat chicken choker

When you are driving with four people in the car and your friend in the backseat is getting a Blow Job while laughing uncontrollably. Typically the people in the front seat are unaware of what is happening behind them.
Person 1- Dude I heard Gabe got a Backseat chicken choker in your car.
Person 2- Yea i didn't even notice because i was driving.
Person 1- Dude that guy is a legend.

chinese chicken choker

when one chokes their chicken with chopsticks
“his dick was so small he was a chinese chicken choker”

“bryce is a chinese chicken choker”

chinese chicken choker

when one uses chopsticks to jack off
“his dick was so small he was a chinese chicken choker”

“bryce is a chinese chicken choker”

Chicken Choker

1)Slang terminology for a male individual masturbating a bit aggressively making it look similar to a farmer wringing chickens necks for butchering.

2)procrastination, wasting time
3) The name of a grimy ass, crazy as hell, punk rocker with usually pretty darkly themed subject matter albeit awfully catchy music Band in Cleveland, Ohio.
I had chores for him to take care of, but he really is, is dang chicken Choker!!




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