

俚语 chickenhawked


Slang term used in some regions refering to slinging bird or cocaine or running drugs.
In my past, I chickenhawked until it got too dangerous so dropped out that game


1. Older male who seeks the company or favours of an younger male. The term has homosexual overtones.

2. A politician or other person who promotes war without having had any personal experience of it; especially those who have avoided the experience.
1. Henry, the old chickenhawk, hit on the boys at the college again today.

2. That draft-dodging chickenhawk has no business sending our children to war.


Any person who is a proponent of a war while not enlisting and going off to fight in said war. A kind of hypocrite. Really, a chickenhawk is one who says: "it's okay for other mother's sons and children's fathers to go off and get shot, dismembered and incinerated, but me, I'm too much of a wilting daisy to go off and break a nail trying to load one of those gun thingies."
My campus is swarming with chickenhawks. They wave signs saying "support our troops," but ask them to sign their flabby asses up and go take the risks they demand others take, they run like sissy cowards and cheer for Bush while the Tigris runs red with the blood of braver men.


1. Any person who, in an official capacity, sends other people out routinely for dangerous activities while himself having never been exposed to the same risky behavior. This usually occurs in an authoritarian, militarized system and comes with constant propaganda in which the leader fashions himself as an ultimately benevolent crusader. The film "American History X" is an excellent, small-scale example.

2. An adult male who behaves in a sexual and often predatory manner towards adolescent males. This usage of the term is becoming archaic, in favor of "pedophile."
1. President Cush says that able men and women owe it to the nation to defend it against the Commies, but his military records prove him to be a chickenhawk.

2. I shot that sumbitch chickenhawk with mah .44. Blew a hole right through 'is head. He ain't gonna bother my nephew Cletus no more.


an older male who generally preys on younger, adolescent males. Chickenhawks will sometimes trade chunks of hours away, from their job, so they can seek the attention of young men, all while doing so with an adequate alibi. They are sometimes aircraft pilots so they can scour wide areas looking for new crops of innocent young men. Also, they frequently drive large SUV's in order to take potential mates to remote locations, to seek sexual favors.
William, the chickenhawk, frequently attends figure skating events, because he enjoys watching the young men gallivanting around in tights.


a pedophile who actively seeks out victims, victims are usualy young runaways. Chickenhawk is a common term used by police forces to describe pedophiles.
"Minnesota sucks, because it doesn't allow the death penalty for twisted chickenhawks. In fact it doesn't have the death penalty at all...


1. Young male who seeks the company or favours of an older male. The term has homosexual overtones although its etymology most likely goes back to the cartoon characters Foghorn Leghorn and the chickenhawk.

2. A politician or other person who promotes war without having had any personal experience of it; especially those who have avoided the experience.
1. He had a bunch of chickenhawks living with him.

2. That draft-dodging chickenhawk has no business sending our children to war.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:21:34