

俚语 chicken peck

chicken peck

when two people kiss for less than a second on the lips with no tongue
that wasn’t a kiss! that was a chicken peck!

Chicken Pecking

Using one finger to type on a keyboard; lack of keyboarding skills.
Sam: I saw Joey Chicken Pecking yesterday.

Tiff: Wow, he must really suck at typing.

Chicken Pecks

When you hold someone down and tap fairly hard on the middle of their chest with your middle finger's knuckle. After a few seconds it starts to become more and more painful.
Dude: "Hey hold Dane down while I give him chicken pecks."
Dude2: "Haha alright man, I'll do it, that shit hurts after awhile."
Dane: "Please god no! I'll do anything just don't hurt me!"

chicken pecking

A huge insult on the North Side.
It is hard to sound enthused when one is chicken pecking.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:31:01