

俚语 chiggo


A cheeky cigarette
Fee: wanna go for a chiggo?

Cara: whilst smoking chigga chigga yeah


Chiggo originated from the late swiss panda dynasty of the ladder makers guild ogrinated by Jebidiah Chiggo who himself was a pastry chef for McDonalds. Later on in life Jebidiah met a fisherman named Jerry and gave him thirty-seven cents. This became known as the great "Thirty-Seven Cents Charter" which is now a founding consitution of Madagascar.
Why, yes, I would chiggo the celery.


A word that my children made up as a derogatory term for any people who live in Chicago, rather than call them a Chicagoan. It was done from a humorous standpoint, as we live near Chicago.
"Look at all these Chiggos!" (referring to when you're in Chicago)

"Wait, are you a Chiggo?" (referring to a friend online you find out is from Chicago)


a super awesome dude which means "gift of god" according to his parents. he's a person who laughs easily and values friendship, but feels underrated
chiggo is a not a cheeky cigarette, he doesn't smoke




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:28