

俚语 chikka


A nickname given to certain women of power and non compos mentis, derivitive from the only woman on record to hold leadership power with the Australian New South Wales Parliamentary Liberal party,
Kerry Anne Chikarovski. KK
Wow, she's a total Chikka! I bet she would be fun to hang out with!


a Yorkshire slang term for an ecstacy tablet
do you want to buy a chikka from me?

i took 8 chikka's last night.


a lie; half-truth (pertaining to a statement)
Her story about sleeping with Tom Cruise was just chikka.


Kick ass!
She is chikka!

chikka chikkah

Used to express the emotion of “hell yeah”
“Hey, do you wanna go get some Taco Bell?”
“Chikka chikkah!”

Bow Chikka Bow Wow

JackTheCat46's mating call. Usually screeched when Jack sees another human being.
Jack: Are you an apple? Because I'm always in-cider! Bow chikka bow wow!
Josh: POG
Archie: Jack, I am underage

chikka chikkah

Used to express the emotion of “hell yeah”
“Hey, do you wanna go get some Taco Bell?”
“Chikka chikkah!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:38:38