

俚语 chili dipping

chili dip

When you put the tip of your penis in a rectum and pull it out with poop on it then press the tip of the penis to someone`s forehead
Roderick was mad at Emma so before anal sex he chili dipped her forehead.

Chili Dip

adj. meaning to fail miserably
I really chili dipped the exam

I'm chili dipping life right now

I chili dipped my tee shot on the 16th hole

Chili Dip

V. The action of overhearing a conversation and injecting unsolicited, and usually unwelcomed, opinions.
Sam would not speak openly about the office for fear that Rob would chili dip and cause an unwanted discussion.

chili dip

When you fart, but shit just a little in your drawers, so you can feel it between your cheeks. The whole mess could be cleaned up with a corn ship or two.
after farting... dang I just chili dipped

Chili Dip

Sticking a dildo up your ass and then pulling it back out and shoving it in someone's mouth
I watched this porn video of someone doing the chili dip

chili one dip

one hitter
Hey man did you bring the chili one dip?

Chili dip

Synonym for “snag a few”
Hey man could I chili dip some of those chips?




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