

俚语 chillin' hard

chillin hard

when you chill real hard like you've never chilled before
so I was chillin hard til I found out that I was gettin drafted into the Army

Chillin' Hard

Getting really drunk and or stoned with no more than 4 people
-"what are you doing tonight?"
-"me and colleen are just chillin' hard tonight"

chillin hard on the reg

v. the act of being hella chill, or straight chillin out, on a regular day to day basis

n. a lifestyle that involves being chill as a cucumber 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year*

*366 days a year on leap year
ChillBro1: What are you up to brah?
ChillBro2: Nothin broski... chillin hard on the reg.

chillin hard body

the state of hanging out in the cold while standing still
Emily couldn't ski so she was just chillin hard body while Lauren and Alyssa skiid.

Chillin hard

When you'v gone past the point of chilling and going hard at chilling so therefore getting more chill which is a paradox
John: wag1 Alfie how are you?

Alfie: I'm chillin hard

(Alfie has consumed marijuana)




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