

俚语 chimney sweeper

Chimney Sweeper

To force-feed ones hairy ball sack into the vertically positioned and open bung-tunnel of a friend or foe.

John - "Ok Jane, it's time for the Chimney Sweeper!"

Jane - "What's that?"

John - "Bend over and I'll show you."

Jane - "No John, really? Quit playing games and tell me."

John - "Sorry Jane, you're right. The Chimney Sweeper is where you take off your sweatpants, lay on your back, then roll your knees back until they touch your shoulders. This way your butt hole opens up and stares straight at the clouds above. Then I'll hover over your puckered poo packer and plunge both of my not-so-recently shaven jizz tanks past the event horizon of your turd socket. Duh!?"

Jane - "Oh dear. Are you serious?"

John - "Yes Jane, yes I am"

Chimney Sweeper

A white male that fucks black females. The male equivalent of a coal burner.
Brad couldn’t match with any cute white chicks on tinder, so he settled for a black girl. Fucking chimney sweeper.

Chimney Sweeper

The sexual act of vaping in a female's cock sock, and proceeding to fuck it immediately after, resulting in clouds coming out of her pussy, looking like you are sweeping a chimney with your cock.
"Bro, did you hear what Todd did last night?"
"Yeah bro, I heard he became a chimney sweeper with linda!"

Chimney sweeper

When you put a tutu on your pet hamster to lure him/her into your anal canal to take care of the ass itch.
C’mon Hammy, burrow! Burrow! Deeper! You’re the best chimney sweeper!

chimney sweeper

a very large penis
he has one helluva chimney sweeper. i was dingleberry-free for days.

chimney sweeper

The sexual act consisting of first spitting on a significant other's asshole, then proceeding to orally stimulate said asshole.
"So we watched this porno today, and this guy spat on the girl's butthole and then licked it."
"Ya mean he gave her the chimney sweeper?"

chimney sweeper

to have sex with someone to uhhh sweep the girl's chimney

also see: backyard chiney sweeping
usu. said with english accent
Ewwww you chimney sweeped that 300 pound lady over there, you dirty little chimney sweeper!




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