

俚语 chinger


1. A person with normal hair on their head but red hair growing from the chin.
zackary allen from 119th st is a bonified chinger


a noun that means anything Asian. plural: chingers
- person A: “yo, have you heard of that new restaurant that just opened up? i think it’s called Rice King! we should go!”
-person B: “oh, Rice Chingers? i’ve been there before but they’re good as fuck, let’s go!”

- guy 1: “what’s up, guy?”
- guy 2: “oh, hey man. just trying to figure out what car to buy. i think i might go for this ‘01 Nissan Sentra this dude is selling for really cheap.”
- guy 1: “a chinger car? i don’t think we can be friends anymore.”

- Isabelle: “Nicole, have you seen the new exchange student? he’s so cute! and he’s really smart! maybe he can be my tutor!
- Nicole: “he’s all yours, Isi. i’m not a big fan of chingers.”


This is a Chinese person who wishes he was black. Sort of like a Wigger, just a Chinese person
"Wow, look at the Chinger trying to rap... It sounds like shit."


Who invited that guy? A chinger is the other kind. You can hear them screaming drunk nonsense in the street. Chinger is a universal term for "them." For some they wear the type that wear mini skirts in the winter, others they wear hemp choakers with their Ralph Lauren polo... pop'd ofcourse. But to them you are a chinger too and theres always one at the party.

Everyone can act like a chinger from time to time.
Dude you gotta make it tonight, don't be a chinger.


(chin-jur) A combination of a Chinese person with red hair and extremely pale skin.
That Chinger almost swerved into my lane!


The shortened cool term for chicken fingers.
When your life is too busy to say the full words.
"hey man, what do you want to eat?"
"I could go for some chingers!"


Taking the piss out of someone
'Yo fam that chavvy is chingering you'




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:36:22