excess fat on the female thigh area
"Damn I need to lose some weight! Look at that chob!!"
Refers to vomit or the act of vomiting, specifically in cases where it is a result of being a sesh gremlin and ingesting too many mind-altering substances. Generally results from being ikky-bü
(Verb): I drank too many VK’s last night so I chobbed all over the gaff, had to chob in the kettle.
(Noun): Oscar: Look that pile of sick on the floor
Monica: crikey that’s a lot of chob
(Noun): Oscar: Look that pile of sick on the floor
Monica: crikey that’s a lot of chob
The true god.
"Holy Chob!"
Cross between a Chav and a Yob. = Chob
That Damian is a right Chob.
Look at him Chobbin about the place.
What Chobbish behaviour.
Look at him Chobbin about the place.
What Chobbish behaviour.
Throwing up.
Where's Paddy? Is he chobbing? Has Paddy Chobbed? Clean that chob up. Paddy: "I'm gonna chob."
The state inbetween a chub and a boner.
Can you just keep your shirt off until I get a chob!
Childhood Obesity. A chubby child. A little fat kid.
"Look at that cute little chob over there" "You have such choby cheeks"