

俚语 chocolate speedway

chocolate speedway

A popular phrase that refers to acts of anal penetration. See also up the pumper and up stinkhole cove
"Yo man, like I was sayin', Tamsin refused to take it up the pumper or up stinkhole cove, but man she couldn't say no to a little chocolate speedway!"

chocolate speedway

a nude anal game, usualy taken part by gaylords or straight sexually adventurous men (gaylords)or navy men (kaylords) or men with good girls.
simon - "hey duano, chuck that big salami down the dark alley, it will be like riding a speedway bike through a chocolaty puddle."
duane - "ok sime lets go chocolate speedway , bend over"

chocolate speedway racer

a male person who likes to bum another male person vigorously, chocolate (arse hole) speedway racer (fast).
so infact chocolate speedway racer means a males who bums another male very fast !!!
'hes a chocolate speedway racer'.
'fucking hell im surprised the other guy aint split yet or got a friction burn on his ring lol'

Chocolate speedway rider

a term used to describe to men having a fun ride together
dude:Shall we go on the waltzer its a mans ride,proper scary
gh3y:no mate im a Chocolate speedway rider

chocolate speedway rider

crude reference to anal sex, commonly used to insult gay people

similar to arse bandit & fudge packer
'he who rides the chocolate speedway'




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:29:48