

俚语 chocolate twist

Chocolate twist

When a girl is riding a guy and as he is about to come, shits on his balls and then twists them hard while he climaxes.

Chocolate Vanilla Twist

the act of shitting into your partners mouth, then jizzing into there mouth and swirling it around with your penis using his/ her mouth as a bowl...resembling the chocolate vanilla twist ice cream
what'd you guys do last night? not much, i gave her a nice chocolate vanilla twist.

Chocolate vanilla twist

Fucking someone in the ass, jizzing in them, then pulling out and sucking out all the liquids.
Cooper: I just gave Mom a chocolate vanilla twist
Josh: You did what?
Cooper: I came in her ass and licked it all up
Josh: No way! I did that last night! *high five*

Chocolate Vanilla Twist

When a man takes a dump on a woman's stomach then masterbates and ejaculates on the pile of fecal matter.
Suzy liked it stinky so Troy gave her the Chocolate Vanilla Twist.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:57:11