

俚语 chocolaty conveyor

Chocolaty Conveyor

A Sammy exclusive, the slow sensual act of sliding your sweet treat along in front of someone.
Madam, perhaps I can interest you in my...chocolaty conveyor? *eyebrow waggles so hard it falls off*

chocolaty conveyor

A sexual position formed by people who have sexual intercourse with Mincho a species made out of chocolate and ice cream
Hey Sprinkles wouldnt you want to have a chocolaty conveyor with Applepie over there?

chocolaty conveyor

A sexual act including three or more mintcho slime girls who stick their tongues out and allow a man to drag his penis back and forth across all of the chocolaty tongues. This act can be done with groompaloompas instead of slime girls as well.
"I totally hooked up with Cremebrule last night"

"That whore?! I chocolaty conveyor belted her with her two friends last month!"




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