Adventure Catfish
ad-ven-cher kat-fish
1) a person who falsely claims to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
Verb (used without object), Adventure Catfishing, Adventure Catfished
1) to falsely claim to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
2) to mislead an adventurer into believing one’s own enthusiasm for participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.
1) a person who falsely claims to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
Verb (used without object), Adventure Catfishing, Adventure Catfished
1) to falsely claim to enjoy hiking, traveling, etc. and does not reveal disdain for adventure until the opportunity is presented
2) to mislead an adventurer into believing one’s own enthusiasm for participation in exciting undertakings or enterprises.
(Name) said she wanted to go kayaking, so I brought my kayak, only to find out she’s an adventure catfish.