

俚语 chode-wagon

chode wagon

Noun. chødé wägôn. A vehicle specifically constructed for the sole purpose of transporting chodes.
Hey dude, check out my Mazda Miata. Dope, right?

Man, that's such a chode wagon. Get the fuck out of here.


Someone who is such a chode, they are a wagon full of it. An insult, calling someone a Huge chode.
"That guy called my wife fat!"
"What a Chode-wagon!"

Chode wagon

The act of driving a gold Saxo in a way that endangers the life's of those around you while having a small penis
Give me a lift in the chode wagon

I violently masturbated in my chode wagon yesterday




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:31:32