

俚语 chonki


Something that is just fucking massive
a: yo bro is that your cat?
b: yeah he’s chonky as fuck
b: you don’t say bro


Something large, usually used to refer to cute but overweight animals.
Look at that chonky doggo


Chonky is a common word used for a fresh fat cat who can steal your anime waifu. He eats lasagna thats enough to seduce your dad
This Chonky cat looking kinda fresh doe


Chonky mean larger and fat or wide.
Person 1: hey your cat is pretty chonky? What have you been feeding him?
Person 2: he has been always this way?


Chonky : adjective: pudgy, fat, or cuddly animal, usually employed to describe a dog or cat. Chonky comes from the French ‘Chonques’ or pudgy, that also originates from the Latin conce, an adjective that is used to describe an obese and tender person.
I. That dog is chonky. don’t you just want to cuddle with him?!

II. Why are you feeding Benhet so many treats? He is not a good boy and also he is starting to get chonky.


A thick white person, a chunky honky
Damn, my man Orenthal always be after them chonky girls. I ain't mad at him though


Chonky is Something that's chunky.
The word Chonky is defined as something chunky.

That is one Chonky ass pigeon over there, I don't think I've ever seen one as Chonky as him!!




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