

俚语 chreaster


Those Christians who only show up to religious services on Christmas and Easter.
We better get to church early this morning if you want a seat, with all the chreasters it's going to be be SRO.


more than 50% of the people belonging to a Catholic Church Parish that only come to mass on the big holidays- Christmas and Easter-therefore making it difficult to find seats because the Church is overpacked.

Joe: My mom is making me go to the early morning Easter Mass even though i haven't been to Church since last Christmas.

Kevin: You are such a chreaster.


One that attends church only for Christmas and Easter.
I hate going to church with grandma; thank god mom is only a chreaster.

Pastor Tom: Are we going to see you in church tonight?

Mary: You know you're gonna see me. I'm a chreaster through and through.


Someone who only goes to church on Christmas and Easter. Your typical everyday Christian who tries to act all holy twice a year when the relatives are in town. In reality they couldn't be more of a scumbag. When mass is over they go back to getting drunk and beating the family dog.
Frank: For the love of god Dorothy do we really have to go to church?
Dorothy: Frank it's Easter, everybody goes to church on Easter.
Frank: I don't give a rats ass I'm not going.
Dorothy: But we haven't gone since Christmas Frank.
Frank: Fine, then go you god damn Chreaster.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:52:30